Step 3. Screening Stage

Using the Workday funnel

WFU-HR now requires all Hiring Managers to actively move candidates through the Workday funnel. Actively using the Workday funnel is essential for the following reasons:

  • As part of the University’s Affirmative Action Plan (AAP) process, using the Workday funnel allows us to more effectively identify and remedy potential equity issues at specific stages of the recruitment and selection process.
  • Using the Workday funnel, and dispositioning candidates in a timely manner, improves the candidate experience by preventing long wait times. 
  • When used correctly, the Workday funnel is designed to automatically generate offer letters, documents, and send automated communications based on the funnel stage and disposition code. 
  • Hiring Managers who use the Workday funnel typically feel more organized throughout the recruitment process and end up avoiding unnecessarily large candidate pools to review. 
Workday Funnel

The “Screening Stage” comprises the first three steps of the Workday funnel. 

  1. Review (Review the candidate pool)
  2. Screen (Screen with SparkHire or phone interviews)
  3. Interview (Interview finalists on campus or via Zoom) 

Candidates should be moved into each stage of the Workday funnel consistently with their screening and interviewing process, and beyond. When a candidate is dispositioned, the Hiring Manager should select the appropriate disposition code (see Disposition Codes Overview for Hiring Managers), which will either prompt automated communications or allow the Hiring Manager to communicate directly with the candidate instead.

Who has access to the Workday funnel?

Currently, the Hiring Manager and all Primary Recruiters are able to move individuals through the Workday funnel. To prevent errors, it is recommended that only the Hiring Manager and the ITP/TL be assigned as a primary recruiter on the requisition. WFU-HR is exploring the implementation of a “view-only” role in the future. It’s important to note that some components of the candidate profile (visa, sponsorship, and salary expectations) are only visible to the Hiring Manager and WFU-HR Recruitment, not the Primary Recruiters.

Training: Your WFU-HR Recruiter can provide you with individualized Workday funnel training during the Strategy Meeting. Additional in-person and on-demand online training will be available soon.

Review the applicant pool

During the review step, Hiring Managers should review all candidate applications to see if they meet the minimum requirements of the position description. Candidates who do not meet the minimum qualifications should be dispositioned and released from the candidate pool at the time of review. 

Hiring managers should review the candidate pool weekly – if not daily – to avoid having a backlog of applications to review. Proactively reviewing the candidate pool and disposition of unqualified candidates can help avoid the need to extend the hiring timeline. 

How do I view the candidates and Workday funnel?
  1. In the search bar, enter the requisition number. 
  2. If the requisition does not appear, click the More Categories link and select the requisition listed under either Recruiting or Staffing. 
  3. Click the Review Candidates button.

Screen with Spark Hire or on the phone

Next, the Hiring Manager should select the top 5-10 candidates to invite to participate in either a Spark Hire or phone interview. Whether candidates participate in a Spark Hire interview or phone interview is at the discretion of the Hiring Manager, but should be used consistently per requisition. Hiring Managers should discuss the benefits and drawbacks of each option with their WFU-HR recruiter during the strategy meeting. 

The screening step can be a rolling process; candidates are moved into this step in waves as needed. If a Hiring Manager screens five candidates, but feels like it was an insufficient amount they can move another wave of candidates forward.

Spark Hire Screening

Spark Hire is a one-way video interview software that allows the Hiring Manager to quickly screen multiple candidates at the same time. The Hiring Manager selects 4-6 position specific questions to ask all candidates; the candidates then have three minutes to record their responses. Candidates have three takes to answer each question and are given an unlimited amount of “think” time before responding. 

The Hiring Manager should email their Recruiter or with a list of the 5-10 candidates they would like to screen. WFU-HR Recruitment will set up the Spark Hires and email each candidate with a link and instructions for completing the Spark Hire. Hiring Managers are also encouraged to let candidates know that a Spark Hire invitation is forthcoming. Candidates typically have 5-7 days to complete the Spark Hire.

WFU-HR Recruitment will also send a follow-up email to candidates who have not completed their Spark Hire on their due date. Following the deadline, WFU-HR Recruitment will email the hiring manager with links to view the candidate responses. Hiring Managers may forward this email to the other members of the search committee for their review as well.

Phone Screening

Phone screening is typically used when a recruiter is actively sourcing for the position, or if the candidates are likely to not use email often. The Hiring Manager selects 4-6 position specific questions to ask all candidates who will be screened. Phone screens should only last 15-20 minutes and are typically performed by the Hiring Manager. 

WFU-HR recommends utilizing Calendly to schedule phone interviews. Calendly is an online software that connects to your Google Calendar to help you create scheduling links which you can share with candidates so they can book their phone interview with you in one click.

Resources: If you need help developing questions for your interviews, check out these Interview Questions Relating to Critical Competencies. Also, be mindful that some questions are off-limits during an interview; review these Legal vs. Illegal Interview Questions to avoid asking illegal interview questions.

Interview finalists in-person or via Zoom

The last step of the interview stage is finalist interviews, which may be completed in-person or via Zoom. Whether candidates participate in an in-person or Zoom interview is at the discretion of the Hiring Manager – and may be selected based on the hiring department’s budget for travel and accommodations – but should be used consistently per requisition.

Planning for the interview

The Hiring Manager is responsible for coordinating with the candidate and all interviewers to find a suitable time and preferred location for interviews. Block calendars for everyone participating in the interview, reserve a space using or share a Zoom link, and provide all necessary instructions – such as directions and parking – to the candidate. Prepare a digital or printed interview packet, including the candidate’s resume, job description, list of interview questions for the interviewers to review beforehand and can access during the interview.

What can I do as a Hiring Manager to make a great impression on finalists?

Depending on the level of position, it can add a very nice touch if the Hiring Manager or department provides a welcome bag with a handwritten note. If a finalist is not from Winston-Salem, providing them with a few local favorites – like Texas Pete, Sunshine Beverages, or a treat from Dewey’s Bakery – can be a thoughtful interview gift.

Agenda Template: Use this Finalist Interview Agenda template to clearly outline the timestamped agenda for your finalist interviews.

Conducting the interview

Be sure to arrive at the interview early to warmly welcome the candidate, provide a brief overview of the interview agenda, and answer any preliminary questions. When conducting the interview, it’s important to prepare and ask the same interview questions of each candidate to ensure consistency and fairness. Include both technical and behavioral questions relevant to the role. Lastly, allow time for the candidate to ask questions about the role, team, and organization.

Resources: If you need help developing questions for your interviews, check out these Interview Questions Relating to Critical Competencies. Also, be mindful that some questions are off-limits during an interview; review these Legal vs. Illegal Interview Questions to avoid asking illegal interview questions.

Evaluating the candidates

Prior to the interview, the Hiring Manager and Search Committee should ensure alignment about the criteria used to evaluate each candidate. A rubric should be developed with a clear and concise rating scale using the key competencies, skills, and qualifications outlined in the position description. Interviewers should be encouraged to take detailed notes that support their rankings – which will be collected at the end of the search and selection process. 

Prior to making a selection, it can be helpful to hold a debriefing session with all interviewers to discuss the submitted ratings. This collaborative discussion helps ensure well-rounded evaluation and provides an opportunity to address any discrepancies in ratings. 

Rubric Template: WFU-HR highly recommends developing an evaluation rubric to use for each candidate. This Candidate Evaluation Rubric Google Sheet template is a great starting place and can be adjusted for your needs.

Feedback Template: An easy way to collect confidential feedback from the search committee about each finalist is by using this Candidate Feedback Form template.

Remember, WFU-HR Recruitment is always available to provide guidance for drafting interview agendas, selecting or crafting questions, and developing evaluation criteria. Contact your WFU-HR Recruiter or email for assistance.

Wake Forest University Human Resources

P.O. Box 7424, Winston-Salem, NC 27109 |  P 336.758.4700 |  F 336.758.6127