Wake Forest maintains a diverse and inclusive environment to enable all participants to contribute their full potential in pursuit of University objectives and personal success. With that in mind, online and virtual courses have been developed to assist in the search and selection of faculty and staff positions.

Begin the Inclusive Search and Selection Process by first completing the Online Module (asynchronous) and then joining a Virtual Inclusive Search Labs (synchronous) if you would like supplemental support in your search process.

Before, During, and After the Search:


Wake Forest University believes in providing a diverse learning community to develop the whole person – intellectually, spiritually and physically. Our motto, Pro Humanitate, and our mission for academic excellence guide the university’s intellectual and co-curricular pursuits. It also reflects the university’s emphasis on the importance of values, ideals, and community service. The heightened awareness and acceptance of difference through diversity and inclusion initiatives underscores the university’s commitment to make sure we shape informed leaders ready to serve humanity. Diversity and inclusion creates engagement. When diversity and inclusion are practiced, faculty, staff and students demonstrate engagement by promoting the university, supporting the mission and committing to do their best. (Excerpt, Office Of Diversity and Inclusion)

Unconscious Bias

Unconscious (or implicit) bias refers to social stereotypes about groups of people that individuals form outside their own conscious awareness. One’s age, gender, gender identity, physical abilities, religion, sexual orientation, veteran status, socioeconomic status, geographic location, political affiliation, personality, education, family status, physical size, and many other characteristics are subject to bias.

Research studies indicate that women and underrepresented groups are more likely to face unconscious bias in the hiring process, which may manifest through phrases such as:

  • “The applicant isn’t a good cultural fit for campus.”
  • “The applicant doesn’t possess a degree from schools from which we typically hire.”
  • “There’s just something strange about the applicant that I can’t put my finger on.”
  • “The applicant’s accent seemed odd.”
pbj test
“Implicit Bias: Peanut Butter, Jelly and Racism” video from the PBS POV series.
Check Our Bias to Wreck Our Bias Video
“Check Our Bias to Wreck Our Bias” video from the PBS POV series.
“What is Unconscious Bias” video from Employers Network for Equality & Inclusion

Wake Forest University Human Resources

P.O. Box 7424, Winston-Salem, NC 27109 
askHR@wfu.edu |  P 336.758.4700 |  F 336.758.6127