
Wake Forest University offers coverage through New York Life to protect against financial hardships due to disability. As it relates to these programs, “disability” is defined as an absence or inability to perform one’s occupation due to illness or injury.

Eligible full-time staff receive salary continuation at 60% of base pay, from the 6th through the 130th work day of illness or injury. Faculty should consult the Absences and Leaves of Absence in the Faculty Handbook.

Long-term disability begins on the 131st workday of illness or injury for eligible full-time faculty and staff. The benefit equals 60% of pre-disability earnings, up to a $10,000 per month maximum. Partial disability benefits are available.

Workers’ Compensation
If a compensable on-the-job injury results in a disability lasting more than 21 days, faculty and staff will be paid from the date of the disability.
Requesting a Leave
Once you have determined that you will be out of work beyond five days, immediately:
- Contact Human Resources at (336) 758-4700.
- Submit your request for Short-Term Disability in Workday.
- Contact Human Resources at (336) 758-4700 to schedule an appointment with a Benefits Counselor.
Workers’ Compensation
- If injured at work and need non-emergent medical attention, please visit a preferred treatment facility.
- If you are injured on the job as a result of a work-related compensable accident, as soon as reasonably possible, the employee who has sustained an injury or accident must report it to their supervisor and Human Resources by emailing absence@wfu.edu or by phone at (336)758-4700, press option 3. Supervisors will be provided instructions to complete the First Report of Incident form. After a seven-day waiting period, you may begin drawing weekly workers’ compensation benefits if you require time away from work.
- Provide a written copy of your Doctor’s notice to return to work to Human Resources.

2025 Benefits Guidebook
The 2025 Benefits Guidebook for Faculty and Staff outlines benefits specific to the Jan. 1 through Dec. 31, 2025 plan year. The information included in the guidebook is intended as a benefit summary only.
Wake Forest University Human Resources
P.O. Box 7424, Winston-Salem, NC 27109
askHR@wfu.edu | P 336.758.4700 | F 336.758.6127