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Wake Forest University provides lactation rooms to support nursing parents returning to work. Any faculty or staff member who is a nursing parent can use any of these rooms.

Each room offers a clean, secure, and private space for those who need to express breast milk during their time on campus. Most rooms are equipped with comfortable seating, a table, and ample electrical outlets near the chair. Some rooms contain refrigerators and a sink. If a sink is not in the room itself, there will be one close by.

Nursing parents will need to provide their own pump. If you use a room where a refrigerator is not provided, we recommend that you bring a small cooler to store your breast milk. Wake Forest University is not responsible for the security or integrity of breast milk stored in or outside of the lactation room refrigerator. All lactation room users are expected to clean up after each use of a room. Each user should allow enough time within a visit to clean spills and dispose of trash properly.

Wake Forest provides a list of lactation rooms on the University map. Follow these instructions to find a lactation room:

  • Visit
  • Select “Wellbeing Resources” from the menu
  • Select “Lactation Rooms” to view lactation rooms listed alphabetically by building name